Posts in Motivation Monday
Super Bowl J-Lo is a … {Truth bomb} You relate?
Staying out of 'maybe' hell!
How my Bose stereo SAVED me!
Be more productive and less stressed than ever. The ONE thing to practice
My Veteran Story
Grind until you're great
I trusted my wife and my body and didn't die
Motivation MondayKelly Summersetthow to stop controlling things, letting go of control, how to trust and flow, tapping into intuition, trusting your intuition, trusting your gut, trusting the universe, Motivation Monday, Mind-Body Connection: Understanding the Psycho-Emotional Roots of Disease, The Chopra Center, Jennifer Weinberg article
2 facts/2 questions/4 kick-ass steps when you have strict thoughts about your life
Self-conscious about dancing in public? Why you shouldn't be!
Periods NEED to be at the end of these sentences.
When you control you DON'T get these four amazing things
"I don't know what I'm doing!" My response. Relate?
'it's not so bad' was REALLY SO BAD. Don't do this!
Motivation MondayKelly Summersettlose your inner critic, listen to your intuition, believe your body, justifying that it's not so bad, living full-on, living with confidence, how to know when to divorce, how to know when the relationship isn't working, it's not so bad, making excuses about your happiness
I was addicted to being busy and the toll I paid
Do you find this as hard as I do?
Four vital steps to keep you sane while you work on your goal
The B.S. ways I used to 'succeed' {they don't work but this does!}
Are you still pulling this crap? People-pleasers unite!
The comparison pity party I had with myself
Jaded? I didn’t find my soul mate until I did this. You in?