Don't like winter? Open up for insight & 9 energizing ideas
Accept the fact: Winter is coming.
The short days are here. And for some, your fact also means snow and cold.
Ever heard the saying What you resist persists? It’s spot-on and accurate.
When you complain and stay in denial, you’re resisting the fact. This is what turns winter into the hardest, longest, and darkest one ever.
Winter actually feels shorter when you accept it. When you surrender to this 'what is'. In addition...
+ You move through the season much easier
+ Your mindset shifts
+ You feel more empowered to take useful actions
Ask yourself -- how do I want to feel about winter this year? What do I want to do differently? What do I have the power to proactively think?
I re-thought winter years ago because I got tired of listening to myself complain about it. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever done for my health and peace of mind. In fact, Winter has turned into one of my top two favorite seasons.
Here are nine energizing ideas to help you make this your best winter of all time!
Which one do you commit to this week? Give it your best effort. Focus on the benefits you will see with consistent effort. What you focus on grows.
1. Always saying you need to get to bed earlier but don't? Use the darkness to your advantage and adjust your bedtime. Focus on the benefits of feeling rested, more relaxed, and productive.
2. Turn your bedroom into a delicious retreat with scented candles, deluxe-o sheets, a down comforter, and fluffy pillows. Make it inviting, sexy, and a place you're excited to spend time in.
3. Schedule in more quality time with family and friends to watch movies, have conversations, and play games.
4. Experiment in the kitchen by cooking new delicious and comforting soups or trying out new ingredients.
5. Plan some local hikes to embrace the crisp air, stillness, and quiet. Fresh air, nature, and movement are all natural and free highs!
6. Gather friends or create your own personal retreat to reflect on the past year and map out the upcoming one.
7. Journal a little bit daily. What's going right? What are you grateful for? Gratitude is a keystone habit that turns your outlook around quickly.
8. Train for a springtime event or commit to a certain number of home or gym workouts you enjoy. Moving for even 10 minutes daily adds to your energy bank and shifts your winter-season outlook. It's a fact that when you're moving and getting your heart rate up you feel more energized, positive, and happy.
9. Meet new people by going to events, concerts, parties, or talks that you would normally say no to. Focus on what will go right and who you may meet that you'll connect with.
What you focus on grows and where your energy flows so focus your thoughts and energy this winter season on making it the best one yet!
We did an entire Podcast episode on this. Making Winter Wonderful. Check it out!