12 Days of Christmas challenge
Complete this challenge and I’ll donate $12.00 to The Launch Pad — Sober Living to Launch Women into Recovery.
Details below.
So you know the Twelve Days Before Christmas song, right?
Their true love gave them a lot of gifts!
Who’s your true love? I hope you said YOU.
Today is twelve days before Christmas and here’s a fun challenge that helps you practice the five pillars of true self-love — self-respect, self-trust, self-worth, self-confidence, and self-compassion.
The game follows my Power of Smalls philosophy — the small things you do regularly add up to BIG and lasting shifts.
Commit to doing all twelve self-love gifts in the next twelve days starting today and I will donate $12 to The Launch Pad. A 12-step-based sober living home for women recovering from alcoholism and drug addiction.
You in? I hope so!
A few tips
Look through the activities now and wrap your head around when and how you'll do them these next days.
There is no right or wrong way! You don't have to do them in order. Need to double up and do two on a day? Sure! Is one of the activities too challenging for you? No problem, skip it and pick another day to do twice. Just commit to yourself to do them. As long as you put forth effort, do your best, and interpret the tasks as best as you can, you succeed! Set yourself up to win by making this easy.
Remember, The Launch Pad wins when you allow yourself to win :)
The Twelve True Love Gifts :)
1. Send a handwritten thank you note to someone. Focusing on gratitude brings you joy and happiness.
2. Move your body intentionally for 10 minutes. What is it asking you to do for it? Take it for a walk? Stretch it? Get your heart rate up? Listen!
3. Say no to one thing you typically say yes to out of guilt. Setting boundaries reinforces the value and love you have for yourself.
4. List out your positives. List out 20 small things you’ve accomplished this year, that you’re grateful for, or that you do well. This helps you focus on abundance vs. lack.
5. Say yes to one thing you typically say no to because it makes you uncomfortable. Discomfort is self-growth that fires you up to really live!
6. Commit to doing one small thing you’ve been putting off forever. Trusting yourself to follow through with a task is the ultimate way you show yourself love.
7. Be now. Set your timer to go off four times for a minute each today (am, lunch, afternoon, and before bed) to be NOW, the only time it ever is BTW. Be in your surroundings and your body.
8. Look in the mirror and say one kind thing to yourself about yourself out loud and repeat 15 or more times until you can say it with semi-ease.
9. Let something go that you normally want to control and sit through the uncomfortable energy you will feel. Then give yourself a pat on the back when you survive ;)
10. Be still. Choose 5 minutes today to simply stop and be still with yourself without distracting yourself. Objectively observe what happens without needing to judge it.
11. Focus on what’s going right. Before getting out of bed, think about and focus on what’s going to go right today. What you focus on grows, where your energy flows, and what your brain finds supporting evidence for.
12. Eat one mindful meal. Really slow down and experience each bite using all of your senses. What do you notice? Get curious!
How to enter:
Email me a quick summary of your twelve-day experience. Let me know:
What was something you enjoyed?
What was difficult yet rewarding?
What was something you learned about yourself?
Is there something you plan to continue on a regular basis? Why?
Send by 12/28/24 and I’ll send $12 to the Launch Pad!
A BONUS for you
Are you already thinking about how you want to take better care of your body in 2025 yet have that nagging voice in the back of your head saying, “Good luck! You never stick with your health goals.”?
It’s common and, as you know, not helpful.
My upcoming small group cohort, MindBodyNOW could be everything you’ve been looking for but didn’t know existed. You get great implementing the five self-love pillars in your everyday life and with those in place? You have time and energy to take easy care of your body without trying hard or willpower,
This class blows women’s minds, and the best part? It only takes eight weeks to upgrade your operating system from 1.0 to 2.0.
Here’s the scoop to see if MindBodyNOW could be the right fit for you. If it is, I’ll gift you a bonus 1:1 session.