Corona Creativity in the Kitchen

necessity is mother of invention Kelly Summersett

Let me set the record straight — I have never enjoyed grocery shopping during any of my adult years. 

Unless I count that period when the kids were young and going to the grocery without them was my big night out/sanity-saving getaway. Sigh.

But now with Corona around, I avoid the grocery like I might catch a deadly virus or something….;)

So Candace calls the other day and asks what’s for dinner. This is always a burning question for her. She’s always hungry and I’m sure it’s because of her physically-demanding job — it’s normal for her to get in 15,000 steps a day plus 40 flights of stairs! 

I haven’t gone to the grocery and so…nothing? Time to figure it out because I’m still not going to the grocery. So here’s my take on getting Corona Creative in the Kitchen.

¡Aycaramba! Mexican Pizza

I found and used up these leftovers:

4 random cherry tomatoes that were rolling around in the crisper — washed and diced

1/2 of a red pepper that somehow froze up in the crisper. Despite it feeling soft and disgusting when it thawed, it still tasted great — washed and diced

1/2 ear of corn on the cob. I would have used the whole ear but the other half was missing. Where’d it go? — cut the kernels off the cob 

The last cup of homemade salsa that was in the freezer — warmed on the stove

Grabbed these from our garden, which is still in its early stage yet looking pretty fab-o I might add!

Took the only four cilantro leaves that were so small that they really didn’t make a difference — chopped

Yummy arugula and spinach to top off the pizza —washed and kept whole

Other ingredients I had on hand:

1 can of black beans — I used 1/2-ish can

Handful of jarred jalapeño slices — chopped

Mexican style shredded cheese to cover the tortilla shells

Three tortilla shells — poke with fork to eliminate air bubbles

1 1/2 shakes of Garlic powder

2 quick shakes of Cumin powder

Garlic salt

Pam Spray


Preheat oven to 350

Lightly spray the tortilla shells with pam and sprinkle with garlic salt and bake on a cookie sheet until crisp turning over midway to get both sides crispy


Heat up salsa

Combine red pepper, tomato, black beans, cilantro, corn, cumin, and garlic powder


Remove crisped tortilla shells from oven and layer them in this order with: 

A thin layer of salsa, then a layer of cheese, then a layer of bean mixture. Sprinkle any remaining salsa on top and return to the oven and bake until cheese is melted.

Remove from oven and garnish with arugula and spinach leaves

It was surprisingly delicious, kept me from going to the grocery, and I would definitely make again especially since the odds of me not having groceries in the house is pretty high ;) 

Have you gotten Corona Creative in the Kitchen? I’d love to hear your recipe or tip! Share it on my Facebook page so everyone else can see it and try it too! 

corona creative in the kitchen Kelly Summersett


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