Election anxiety? Six go-to musts to save your health

election anxiety Kelly Summersett

Welp. Welcome to election week. Love it or hate it, it's our what-is.


Eckart Tolle says, 'the basis of all stress is being here but wanting to be there' and since none of us want to choose stress on purpose, here's what we all have the power to do this week (and beyond) that moves us through this what-is more relaxed, centered, and calm.


Or neutral. I'll even settle for that ;) 



Here are six go-to musts to save your health: 



1. Stay present and now

The only time it ever is is now. It’s not next week, it’s not even 30 seconds from now.


And when you’re caught up in your head what-ifing the future — a future that you can’t possibly know all the facts about because it literally hasn’t happened yet — your mind pieces together a grim story.


Continually check in with yourself. Set your alarm if you need to so you are aware and catch yourself when you're predicting the worse case and what-ifing. Come back to now and a great way to do this is: 



2. Get outside

Nature is a great way to experience now. The key? To actually be now when you’re out there and not up in your head ;) Feel the breeze, smell the air, look at the beautiful leaves, hear, and appreciate the birds.



3. Be grateful

You know what you can’t be when you’re now and grateful? Sad, depressed, or angry. When in doubt, focus on what you’re grateful for, and even if it may feel like 96% is going ‘wrong’, you still hold all the power to focus on the other 4%. Before you know it? That 4% grows. 



4. Journal and talk

What are you feeling? It’s healthy to express your emotions because what you resist persists and resisting feeling negative emotions just weighs you down. 


Productive talking and journaling are two really great ways to let out your anger, fears, and frustrations so you can move past these emotions and into more useful and productive ones. 




5. Go on a media diet

What you focus on grows, where your energy flows, and what you find evidence for. If you’re binge consuming social media or the news it definitely makes sense that you could feel like the sky is falling.


Check it once a day (or less?) and set your timer. After? Pick one of the must-dos above.



6. Be who you want to see in the world

There’s nothing worse than feeling powerless over what’s happening in this world but I want you to remember that you have a lot of personal power. Your thoughts have power. And based on those, you get to choose how you show up and be (your thoughts create your feelings, actions, and results. Always.)


You want more compassion in this world? Have more grace and compassion for yourself. Want to be more respected? Up-level your self-respect. Change always starts with you.


Big hug and much love to everyone and please vote. 


Hardcore motivation, on the day you need it most? Drop your name and email here if not and let’s start rocking Mondays together!

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