How to find and keep the right relationship π Motivation MondayKelly SummersettSeptember 7, 2020how to find the right relationship, Wayne Dyer, Wayne Dyer quotes, You attract what you are not what you want, law of attractionComment
My control confession and the five steps I used to fix it Motivation MondayKelly SummersettMarch 26, 2018let go of control, trust and flow, Wayne DyerComment
Use this bar/drinking analogy to create better relationships Motivation MondayKelly SummersettJanuary 12, 2018Relationship goals, How to have a better relationship, Wayne Dyer, self development, self confidence, self love, how to find the right relationship, finding a healthy long term partnershipComment
Your logical brain says doing this first is wrong. It's not! Motivation MondayKelly SummersettDecember 19, 2017Wayne Dyer, Believing is seeing, logical brainComment