How to know when to take action NOW


Can I be straight-up with you? 

The first quarter of 2024 is in the books. Done. Won't happen again. The dozens of quarters you've already experienced? Also done.

Nearly two weeks have already flown by in quarter two. 

Here's your check-in: 

Did you...

A) Start Q1 clear about what you were done tolerating and then create a lined-out action plan for the important goals you would achieve by March 31st? Did you take the necessary and typically uncomfortable actions to succeed? Are you so proud of what you accomplished? 

B) Have a general idea of what you wanted to happen and now when you reflect, this first quarter feels pretty familiar and similar to many past quarters? 

C) Avoid thinking about accomplishing anything specific because why bother? You don't follow through anyway. 

D) Cut yourself slack and kept Q1 loose because you typically get anxious when you think about everything you have to do which typically leads to you stalling out or quitting. Yet, you're pissed that here's yet another quarter gone and you're still in the same patterns you say you don't want to be in? 

Answer B, C, or D? Well, you know. It's time for different tools if you're ready to be done with the outdated default tools that are stalling you out. 

Answer A? Congrats! And did you achieve your goals with a managed and clear mind? By being fully present and now which brought you more ease and peace even when those actions were uncomfortable? 

Because you can use old-school tactics to stay on track to achieve your goals. You know, by white-knuckling the process. Or feeling stressed and worried and applying negative motivation and lots of control to keep you fired up and your willpower strong. I know because that was the 'upgraded' way I achieved goals when I grew tired of B, C, and D.

And guess what? It was still a super sucky way to achieve them!

I have spent ten years learning, researching, and experimenting with making life easier and more effective. Lining out the best science-backed and psychology-based tools. And by golly, they're tight.

These tools take you to a whole new operating system in only eight weeks because you are held accountable to apply them in your own everyday life. 

Eight weeks < then a quarter! 

Picture yourself on June 6th (the final day of MindBodyNOW (which begins 4/16/24)

Where is your confidence? 
What is making you proud? 
What shifts are you seeing in your life? 
What have you accomplished that you've been stalled out from for so long? 
Are you smiling more? 
How are your relationships? 
How has your relationship with your body shifted? 

It may be hard for you to imagine an up-leveled you. 

I got you! Your brain is no different than any other brain I've ever coached (including my own) -- it resists change. It hates the unknown. It wants the same. It likes comfort. It spins believable lies telling you that you can't change or that life 'as is' isn't really that bad. 

I know how to help you move past that part of your brain! When you reach out to me by 11:59pm EST 4/12/24, to schedule a chat, I will give you an extra $200 bonus -- an additional hour of 1:1 coaching to use after the class ends. It keeps you tracking. This is in addition to ALLLLLL of the other kick-ass bonuses I'm incentivizing through this Friday. 

This class is packed with results, life-shifting tools you will have and use forever, and incredible value. I don't know when I will offer it like this again. I have three spots remaining.

The time is always now which means the time is always now to take action. It's something you'll get great at in MindBodyNOW.

I hope to hear from you and BTW, scheduling a chat is not an obligation to commit. It's to see if we're a good fit. 

Cheers, and create an action-packed day!


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