How you get in your own way
Let me start with this:
You were literally designed perfectly.
You were designed to have inner peace, joy, love, health, connection, and ease.
You were designed with intuition, good judgment, limitless possibilities, and passion.
And then you grew up and got in your own way.
You started listening to and believing your Inner Critic.
That negative and incessant voice in your head telling you that…
you don’t measure up
you’re not good enough
you need to try harder
it’s OK to settle
peace, joy, contentment, and ease are always reserved for after the next achievement
you don’t know how to make good decisions
you should be further ahead
you don’t know how to stick with your goals
you can’t do things because you’re ‘too’ this or that
you’re not worthy of love
if you can’t do it perfectly you shouldn’t do it
controlling everything and everyone will bring you peace
putting everyone’s needs before yours is responsible and selfless
It’s turned into the same blah, blah, blah day after day. Month after month. Year after year.
And so you try harder to climb the ladder, to please others, to stick with your goals, to be enough.
You think that being perfect and in control, along with stressing and anxiety-ing through your days, is the right way to stay motivated and productive.
And all this does is shove you further into your own way.
It makes you feel stuck, stagnant, drained, unmotivated, sad, unsettled, and frustrated.
And the vicious cycle of pushing yourself harder and then stalling out keeps repeating.
Do you relate? Are you tired of complicating your life by getting in your own way?
If you answered yes…hell yeah!
I specialize in getting and keeping women out of their way.
You learn how to…
See your Inner Critic with fresh eyes. You start seeing and believing that you’re so much more than those debilitating thoughts.
You get clear on who you are and how you want to show up on purpose, and from now on, for your authentic and at-peace life.
Hear your body (where your intuition resides) and tune out your head (where your Inner Critic thoughts reside) so that decision making, follow-through, clarity, confidence, peace, and so much more shine through.
Stay fully present and in your body so that it no longer occurs to you to stress, worry, anxiety, what-if, or over-think daily ‘life’ happenings.
Have useful and productive thoughts that keep you actioning and following through on what’s important to you.
Literally everything in your life works easier and better when you learn how to get out of your way.
The tools you learn, practice, and internalize take you to your next level for good.
It’s like updating your 1.0 operating system that’s slow, frustrating, and stressful to a faster, more productive, easy, and joyful 2.0 system.
And just like with a computer, it never makes sense for you to go back to the old version.
Reach out for a no-obligation consultation if you’re ready to get out of your way and see what your upgraded operating system could look like.