I challenge you to snooze this

Dreaming about someday Kelly Summersett

Do you like the idea of someday? 


Someday when I have _____ it will be the right time.


Someday when I lose ______ then I can finally feel free and happy!


Someday when I quit ______ then life will be so much easier :) 


Someday gives you an adrenaline escape today.


It feels good to think about achieving, doing, and having someday because, as a human, you feel your future thinking in real-time (you feel your thinking no matter if what you’re thinking is happening today or if you’re just thinking about it happening today). 


Do you ever follow up your bright and adrenaline-filled thoughts with BUT? 


Someday when I have time to focus on my nutrition and hike more life will be pretty darn great but that won’t be until I get a new job with an easier workload and who knows when that will be because no one's hiring right now.


Someday when I quit putting my job and everyone else first my life will be so much easier and I’ll meet the partner of my dreams but now’s not a good time. Everyone needs me now and I can’t let them down.

Someday when I have the money I will take better care of myself, I promise! But I’ve got too many bills coming up, as usual.


Your someday is literally always today because today is the only day it ever is and that’s where your mind loves messing with you. 


You must take small, consistent actions today, and the next day, and the day after that until you’re living your someday. Yet your mind tells you believable lies to keep you safe from the discomfort of those actions.

It’s an infinite catch 22.

If you’ve been saying someday for months (years?) and your someday keeps getting pushed back, you, my dear, are living with a perfectionist mindset where your mind is managing you. It’s common but that doesn’t mean it’s helpful.

Learning to stay now and manage your mind so that you have useful and productive thoughts now that allow you to take the necessary actions now is absolutely how you get to your someday while you’re young and alive (and if you don't feel young and alive now...you will :)! 


I challenge you to snooze this email for four weeks and when it pops back up, ask yourself: 


Am I still unclear, stalling-out, and someday-ing instead of bold actioning? 


Have I decided I'm finally worth it to start living my someday today? 


If in four weeks you answer yes to the above questions, reach out and we’ll have a conversation. I'll be waiting for your email :)


And If you know in your heart that it’s time to get off the fence now, reach out to me today. The only time it is to up-level your relationship with your mind so that you’re confidently managing it instead of the other way around.

Another option? If you’re just not ready to get to your next level, be honest with yourself and simply take your someday completely off your timeline so that you don’t continue to fight and struggle with yourself.

Inner-fighting is draining and ensures that you’ll never have the energy to actually take useful actions today or someday anyway ;) Make sense? If not, reach out if you want to have a quick chat!