How picking one word maximizes your wins in 2019

Ever get caught up over-planning and under-performing because you set new year goals to a self-imposed and unwieldy standard?

One word — simplify.

Simplify your world and your life for 2019 with this amazing and straight-forward tactic.

Literally pick one word and commit to honoring it and you’ll be amazed by how much you accomplish in 2019!

This one-word trick works because it is simple and quiets all the noise in your head that makes goal achieving hard to win at. 

One year my one word was literally ‘simplify’. I self-defined it to fit my need to simplify my life.

I became very intentional about how I spent my time and with who. 

My purchases were deliberate and needed to meet two criteria: Did I absolutely love it? Was it necessary to have? 

I purged ‘stuff’ so that my house was clean and uncluttered. 

Being intentional with just that one word simplified my life a lot. It’s a word that carries through to today actually.

Another word that kept coming up for me was ‘collaborate’. It allowed me to meet Darlene, my podcast partner (It's a Brain Changer), a little over a year ago and we’ve been collaborating up a storm ever since! Our podcast is really taking off and we have some big and exciting programming plans for 2019 -- stay tuned!

Why does one word work? Because one word is easy to remember, it’s narrowly focused and speaking of…what you focus on grows! 

Focusing my intention on finding a great partner to collaborate with opened me up to meeting people who were also interested in collaborating. 

Here’s some great words to ponder and choose from:

Love — Do you need to love yourself more by saying no? Speaking up? Aligning with your passions? Moving your body?

Energy — What and who brings you energy? What and who zaps your energy? What do you have the power to do to ensure you consistently add to your energy bank in 2019? 

Happiness — What is your current definition of happiness? Does it need to be redefined? Up-leveled? What does that look like for you? 

Partner — Your word can be someone you’re looking for :) What are the traits of this person? What does it mean for you to be a great partner? (We must first BE who we want to attract.)

Discomfort — Ooooh! What a great word to focus on in 2019! Your comfort zone is simply repetitive brain patterns that tell you risks are dangerous and bad. 

B.S! Your brain, although incessant, doesn’t know shit about this topic!  Being discomfortable (yes, that’s a word in my book) brings you to life and fills up your life with more fun, experiences, connections, and excitement!

Those words not resonating? Here’s a few more questions to ponder that will help you decide on your one word: 

Is there something that’s been nagging you? What is it telling you to do?

Is there a word that keeps coming up for you? Start paying attention.

What disempowering words do hear yourself using a lot? Where does your energy go? What is an empowering word you can start using instead that will add to your productivity and motivation? 

I would love to hear your one word! Share it below, and tell us why that word resonates with you. Sharing dramatically increases your commitment and results :) 

BTW…Darlene and I talk more about finding your one word and so much more in our latest It’s a Brain Changer episode: How to Live Epically in 2019. Tune in here or search It’s a Brain Changer in your favorite podcast platform.

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