Grab this stay-out-of-your-head tool ( I use it daily!)
Do you think yourself to death and then feel stuck and miserable? I’m talking about alllll those unhelpful thoughts from dreading work down to shaming yourself about the wine you said you wouldn’t drink. It’s common and if it’s you on some or most days…
You need this time-saving tool.
You’ll feel empowered and clear to take useful and productive actions instead of going round and round with yourself.
You’ll also get my weekly Motivation Monday newsletter with...
Mind management ‘ah-has’ to apply in your daily life
Tips on how to live with more inner peace, confidence, and joy
Action-oriented tools that make you smarter, healthier, and more kick-ass!
Free Masterclass training and other fun things I do for and with my MM community.
“Great one Kelly! Thank you. Feels like you are talking to me.”
“I needed this Motivation Monday more than I am able to express to you.”
“I just wanted you to know that I am so impressed and inspired by you! I love your writing style, as well as the content, and can’t wait to read more!”
“You are amazing and I appreciate your motivation immensely. I read Motivation Monday every week and am always inspired. Thank you for what you do.”
“I like your Motivational Monday [manic Monday for me] newsletter… I hardly ever read it on time; but when I do finally read it, there is some little nugget in there I really needed to see.”
“Motivation Monday hit home! I am saying “yes” to something big. Am I nervous? You bet. Is it something that has the potential to expand my life in positive ways - learn something new, meet new people, and step out of my comfort zone - absolutely!
Thank you, Kelly Summersett! Your words could not have arrived at a more opportune time.
UPDATE: I was selected for the job. Ahhhhhhh! :) I must say thank you, Kelly, for your never ending optimism, and moral support. I said “yes” to something scary, but amazing. Let the adventure begin! ”
“I couldn’t wait to get home and read this. This is great stuff. Keep up the good work Kelly! You are making a difference!”
“Good morning Kelly. Love your Monday Motivations, please keep sending!!!”
“Loved your Motivation Monday this week! It is SO TRUE! You are such an encourager. I always look forward to your Monday insights👍🏻”
“ I enjoy the motivational monday e-mails, it brightens my work week, thank you!”
Motivation Monday is also where I let you know about all the latest workshops, group training, and other new offerings. And several times a year I get crazy and host classes, talks, calls, and whatever else I decide to think up, all for free.
I do not share your email with others, I just use it to send you original, quality-filled content.
(Is there such a thing?) :)