Congratulations on committing to YOU and up-leveling how you choose to incorporate your healthy habit in your life moving forward

And now this is your opportunity to investigate!

What went right? What was easy?

Do you see an area that still needs your time and care?

Did you enjoy what you chose for your daily small?

Would you like to continue doing it for another week?

Is there something you choose to modify? 


Share today’s prompt and your thoughts about this week with me!



This week was a microtaste of what happens in the MindBodyNOW small group cohort.

The tools you learn to get great at during our eight weeks together upgrade your self-relationship so that…

  • taking easy care of your body becomes the norm instead of another thing you try hard to control or fit on your to-list

  • you have 6-8 additional hours of productive time each week because you’re not up in your head over-thinking, perfecting, or beating yourself up

Literally everything in your life gets easier at work and home when you learn how to up-level your self-relationship. And the best part? You will see profound shifts by week five of this eight-week class.

As a thank you for hanging out with me this week and making yourself a priority, I’d like to give you a bonus. If you decide it’s time to upgrade your self-relationship and join this upcoming MindBodyNOW small group cohort, I will gift you a bonus 1:1 session to use after the program is complete.

AND, you get immediate access to me. The program’s official start is January 21st but you get to start as soon as you say go!

These bonuses turn the eight-week program into ten!

Email me today and let’s set up an obligation-free chat for next week. I accept 3-5 women and I’d love for you to be one.