Kelly Summersett: Life Coach for Professional Women

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The only question to ask yourself that cuts to the chase

I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts while I was finishing our stairs last week (I never knew there were so many steps to building and finishing steps. Hahahha!) and she was talking about the most important question she asks herself:


Will I regret doing, or not doing, this when I’m on my deathbed?


That question cuts right to the chase. 


The next morning I used that as my prompt as I wrote my three ‘stream of consciousness’ pages in my journal (my Acupuncturist recommended and I also highly recommend!) Good stuff came out of it that I’d like to share with you.


As I see it, when we have that ‘tug’ in our heart or gut it’s our intuition nudging us to be our real and authentic selves. To go after our dreams, to speak up, or to leave something that’s unhealthy.

Yet, that tug feels uncomfortable and we often interpret the discomfort as ‘don’t do it!’. Stay safe, play small.


And that’s when we go from our intuitive bodies straight up into our heads and hang out there, sometimes indefinitely.


We argue with ourselves that it would be too hard, we might fail, we don’t know enough, 'later' is a better time, that things aren’t so bad as they are.


And sometimes that goes on for so long that our authentic selves shrivel up and wither away while we’re still alive.


Here are three things I realized that I don't want to regret on my deathbed and will intentionally take steps to develop now: 


  • Speaking up! However, I am continually getting better with this people-pleasing behavior (so many levels and layers to this!) by expressing my thoughts, opinions, and wants. 

  • Being more generous with my time, money, and gifts and living with a more abundant money mindset

  • Acting!?!? I was a Thespian in high school, after all ;) 


And here's what I feel great about. No regrets:


I have created my life by design and it feels authentic, loving, free, fun, flowing, exciting and chill. I really love my life, who's in it, and my daily moments. It took me getting out of my own way (and the discomfort that comes with that) to arrive here.


I encourage you to ask yourself, and journal about, this powerful question today (why wait!?):


Will I regret doing, or not doing, this when I’m on my deathbed?


If you decide there are areas that you’d like to work on that have had you on the hamster wheel for a minute about, please schedule a free consult. 

I will teach you how to hear and gain clarity on what your intuitive self is saying so that you have confidence to trust it and take targeted actions that move you toward living it.


I help you learn how to distinguish when the discomfort is really just trying to keep you safe and when it’s saying go for it! You will learn how to stay out of your head (where ‘life’ goes to die) and stay connected and fully present in your body (where life thrives!). 

And btw, I have written about The Top Three Regrets of the Dying before. Before you click, what do you think they are? 


Living life guilt and regret-free is hands-down how we were designed to do it.


Download the free tool I use. It’s my go-to and it works quickly to get me out of my head so I can take useful and productive actions that make me feel lighter, empowered, and clear.