Kelly Summersett: Life Coach for Professional Women

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So Liberating! But it's not for everyone

Before this highly successful small business owner, mom, and wife became a client, she gave me every reason why it was not a good time to work with me.


She didn’t have time to eat lunch let alone extra time to spend taking my class. 


She barely slept as it was because of all the work she had to take home and start after her kids went to bed. 


She had so many extra to-dos already because of COVID and new school procedures. 


She had too many fires to put out daily. 


She lived every day of every week for years feeling behind and stressed because she was never doing enough.  


She also lived on coffee to counter her constant energy-drain. 


I don’t know what made her change her mind, but she did.


And now? Literally eight weeks later?  



That’s how she describes her life now. 


She has let go of control and put in new processes at work which have made her at least 5x more productive and focused.  


She takes time to eat lunch! Every day and at her work kitchen table! 


She is leaving work earlier and getting in regular movement because she is starting to value her relationship with herself and is no longer willing to compromise it or put it on the back burner. 


She is meal planning and learning how to check in with her body about what and how much it needs. 


She is starting to see that her distant dream of working three days a week will be a reality within the year. 


She can’t remember the last time she was stuck in her head catastrophizing her busy life. She just knows that life feels easier, lighter, more productive, calmer, and more joyful every. darn. day. 


She sees that her relationship with herself was keeping her from the life she had always dreamed of living but totally thought was impossible to achieve. 


"I realized the fires were never getting any smaller and now that I've taken the class, I don't even have fires! I never thought this would be something I could ever stop."


Liberating yourself from yourself is the best investment of your time and resources and ironically the most important time to do it is when you feel like there isn’t time.  


Learning how to manage your mind and develop a healthy relationship with yourself GIVES you time, energy, health, and a life that you feel great about showing up for and thriving in. 


However, liberation is not for everyone. Only for women who are tired of settling for ‘not that bad’ and who are open to next-level living. 


Reach out to me for a 100% obligation-free consultation to see what working together could look like for you.


Drop your name and email here and let’s start rocking Mondays together!

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