Kelly Summersett: Life Coach for Professional Women

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Eight tell-tale signs you’re giving too much of yourself away. Important read.

Ever try hard to hold a relationship together because you think you’re responsible for it working? Are you always questioning what you did wrong? What can you do to try harder?

Do you spend a lot of time trying hard to have a good body so that you’ll be attractive or sexy enough for your partner (or future partner)? And because you are trying so hard to eat healthy and fit in exercise (challenging to do when you feel so responsible for everything) you fall off the wagon which tanks your self-confidence even more.

I used to do that.

What about your body?

For me, I was so detached from it that it wasn’t funny. I thought of my body as something that needed to look a certain way so that I could be enough, be loved, and have confidence.

Oh hell no!

Women are taught to be so damn responsible, caring, and giving. That our bodies need to look a certain way because they’re tied to our worth. We’re taught that it’s our fault when people have a bad day and that we get to temporarily feel good about ourselves when they have a good day.

Where has all of this gotten you? Do you feel exhausted? Pissed? Like a shell of yourself?  

Making yourself a priority isn’t selfish, that’s just the believable lie society drives home. And this messaging adds fuel to your loud inner critic who’s already beating you down for your fails.

Making yourself a priority is the healthiest thing you get to do for you and your relationships (current or future) because when you’re healthy your relationships are healthy instead of hard, complicated, or unbalanced.

Here are eight tell-tale signs that you’re giving too much of yourself away and not making yourself a priority. Do you…

  • overthink if you’ve done enough or too much

  • spend a disproportionate amount of time making sure the relationship works and feel guilty when it doesn’t

  • walk on pins and needles because you feel responsible for their emotions

  • put your health and well-being on the back burner and make sure their needs are met before yours

  • spend a lot of time judging your body and what you’re not doing enough of for it

  • take what they say personally and think you need to try harder

  • get angry, mad, or sad without understanding why

  • lack energy and motivation

If you’re shaking your head, have you ever thought of what this is costing you in time? Having peace in your body? Seeing easier and lasting results with food and fitness? Ease in your relationship?

What happens when you stay afraid to change?

Relationships can end up being verbally, emotionally, and physically abusive. I have seen it too many times. And you know what? It happens to smart and accomplished women like you who never saw it coming.

What else? Less respect. It’s human nature to lack respect for someone who doesn’t respect themselves and you’re not respecting yourself when you’re giving yourself away.

If it feels like I’ve punched you in the gut, I’m not sorry. I do this work so that women wake up and take back the power they never realized they’ve always had.

And do you know who’s been punching you in the gut all these years while you endure blow after blow? Your inner critic.

My gut punch gives you an upgraded and easier life.

The ones you endure from inner critic will eventually knock you out (that’s what happened to me.)

So if you know it’s time to trust yourself to leave your inner critic behind so that you heal your relationship with your body, and find peace in all areas of your life…finally, message me today and I'll ask a few ??s to make sure it's right, send you all the info to help you make an informed decision, and answer your questions along the way.

Five common (and believable) inner critic lies 
keep you from being at peace with your body, food, and fitness 

Which lie (or lies) are messing with you? 
Grab this free self-assessment now.