Kelly Summersett: Life Coach for Professional Women

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How disliking my body impacted my life

Women who love their bodies love their lives more. 


I believe that now. Back in the day? I was so caught up in my own way that I couldn't comprehend this. In fact, I thought it was normal to hate, judge, and shame my body because I thought it fueled my motivation to keep trying hard to fix it. 


Here are five back-in-the-day examples of how disliking my body negatively impacted my life: 


  1. I wasted so much time. Thinking about my body and trying hard to control what I was eating, drinking, how much exercise I was getting, and what I should wear took up so many exhausting hours each week. 

  2. I wasn't present at work or with my family because of those thoughts always swirling around taking up my mental space. 

  3. I was always 'trying hard' to be in control of my body and how I took care of it which ironically made me feel anxious and out of control most of the time.

  4. Not feeling 'good enough' kept me from going places and being with people. If I thought I looked bloated (code for not perfect) I'd skip the gym and workout at home. 

  5. I was self conscious about having sex. 


And I know I've shown this picture before but this was the terrible and shameful body I was always so busy trying to 'fix'. 

 If this is resonating with you, here's something important for you to hear: 


It's not your body. Your body is your friend. It's your thoughts about your body. And when you know how to change them you take your power back! You make peace with it. And the things you want? For it to be healthy, functional, strong, and flexible? They're so much easier to have. 


It's no different than yelling at your child to clean their room. You can get the desired result (clean room) doing it that way but look at all of the negative and bad energy you use up and how your relationship with your child breaks down. 


There's a better way! 

And if you want to learn it, show up for my free Masterclass tomorrow -- Body Image Makeover. An hour won't fix years of negative programming but it's a good start.

I'll teach you some things to start doing now that mend your relationship with you. 


Tuesday, Jan. 9, 2024

12:30 pm  - 1:30 pm EST 


Showing up? Click here to RSVP. 

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