Kelly Summersett: Life Coach for Professional Women

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I was SO uncomfortable until this breakthrough

A spot-on quote from a great coach, Cheryl Richardson:

“The magic you're looking for is in the work you're avoiding." 

Yet, doing the important work is uncomfortable. And feeling uncomfortable is a debilitating whopper for us humans. We avoid it like the plague. 

That's why we drink, stay busy with projects, overshop, and over-commit to others so we can avoid thinking, and feeling, and therefore avoid doing the important tasks that wake us up to our life's magic.

I've been there too many times to count. 

I remember when I sat down to write my first website. Those thoughts would start up...

Where do I start? 
Is it good enough? 
I better do more research to be sure I know absolutely everything before I start…
What if people think I'm dumb? 
I need to get this perfect

Whenever we’re doing something out of our comfort zones those kinds of doubt and what-if thoughts are loud and uncomfortable AF.

So yeah, I felt overwhelmed, stressed, and uncomfortable because of those thoughts and to avoid feeling the discomfort, you know what I'd do? 

Get up from my chair and head to the kitchen to search for something to eat. X a gazillion. 

The only bright spot? I burned some of the calories I was eating by walking back and forth so much ;) 

A bag of chips, croutons (the go-to when the chips run out), and left-over pizza later, I recognized what I was doing and had a hard conversation with myself. It went something like ...stop this Kelly! Enough's, enough! Keep your ass in your seat until you've made progress. Stay NOW. Those thoughts are keeping you distracted so tell ‘em to shut it! Who’s in charge here? YOU! You're not going to die by feeling this discomfort. Remember why you're writing your website to begin with!

Major breakthrough. 

Was I still uncomfortable? Yes. Did the thoughts still pop in? Hell yes. I was squirmy and would unconsciously start to get up, catch myself, and then sit back down. I had to breathe through the anxiety, stay NOW, and keep reminding myself that feeling uncomfortable was OK. I'd be OK.

I finished that website and was so proud of myself! It boosted my confidence and self-trust knowing I could stick with what I said I was going to do even with discomfort present. The thoughts? They quieted down because I decided I was in charge.

Feeling is an everyday human experience and when you stop trying hard to distract yourself from it, learn how to manage your thoughts, and move toward the inevitable discomfort, you know what happens? 

The discomfort dissipates. You don't die. The thoughts quiet down. AND you get to action on the magic you want for your life!

 Is there something you know you want for yourself but stay distracted with busyness so you don't have to feel the discomfort of taking the important actions?

You know what to do -- have that hard conversation with yourself, feel that discomfort and do it anyway. I promise you'll thank me. 

Want accountability with this? Reach out to me. I look forward to hearing from you. 

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