Kelly Summersett: Life Coach for Professional Women

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Common rejections and why they happen

If you know anything about me you know that I always focus on self-love/acceptance/compassion because that’s what makes ALL of our other relationships (romantic or otherwise) easy, fulfilling, and loving. 


We may say we love ourselves because we work out, eat right, get regular massages, and do yoga. Yet that’s just one small part. 


The big part that often gets ignored? All of the day-to-day occasions where we reject ourselves by doing stuff like this: 


— Not setting boundaries (because you’re afraid you’ll make things worse, be judged, or won’t be liked)

— Apologizing for everything under the sun (because you think it’s better to be polite than to take up space, breathe, or have a say)

— Judging, comparing, and berating (because it fuels your motivation to try harder to accomplish your goals or to measure up)

— Ignoring your body’s intuitive cues (because you’re giving disproportionate time and attention to your Inner Critic thoughts)

— Never feeling enough (because your Inner Critic/mind is running the whole internal show) 

— Playing small (because you’re afraid to fail)


Have you normalized rejecting your fully capable, intuitive, beautiful, and smart self? 

If you have, doing Yoga seven days a week won’t get you to the level of self-love you may be seeking. 


And BTW… if you feel rejected by others, work on fully accepting (and not rejecting) yourself and it course-corrects on its own. 


Reach out if you want to have a free consult or get on the first-to-know list for the next MindBodyNOW small group class. 


Download the free tool I use. It’s my go-to and it works quickly to get me out of my head so I can take useful and productive actions that make me feel lighter, empowered, and clear.