Kelly Summersett: Life Coach for Professional Women

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Take the dinner plate test to evaluate your life

Did 2020 force you to slow down, reevaluate, and get clear?


I had a lot of discussions with people who would have never gotten insight otherwise because they would have never voluntarily taken a pause. 


Because you know, our minds tend to make up believable lies that we need to be frantically doing all the things while ignoring how stressed and unhappy we are.

Being forced to quarantine gave them space in their minds and lives to see how they were using their time and how it was impacting their health, relationships, and joy.


The dinner plate test.


Picture a dinner plate. What was on yours prior to the quarantine? What shoulds, people, activities, have-to’s, and self-imposed responsibilities were on it? 


Was it piled up to overflowing with no visible plate space? 


Based on what you know now, what thoughts, people, and activities do you intentionally keep off your plate this year that made you feel sluggish and drained? 


What thoughts, people, and activities do you intentionally add to or keep on your plate that gives you energy and joy?


How much space do you intentionally keep on your plate so that you have room to breathe and just be? 


2020 was a fact and I hope you use this fact to create an intentional and amazing 2021 and beyond!

Happy, Happy New Year! 


Hardcore motivation, on the day you need it most? Drop your name and email here if not and let’s start rocking Mondays together!

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