Kelly Summersett: Life Coach for Professional Women

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1, 2, or 3? Which one best describes how you stick with your healthy habits?

1, 2, or 3. Which one best describes how you stick with your healthy habits?

1) My healthy habits come naturally and easily.

I listen to what my body needs and trust myself to fuel it and move it accordingly without have-tos, control, guilting myself to follow-through, or beating myself up.

I look in the mirror and love what I see. I regularly feel calm, confident, and joyful.

2) I can stick with my healthy habits as long as I use a lot of negative motivation and willpower.

I restrict food and drinks so that I’m not tempted because when I fall I fall hard. I make myself workout so I can check it off my list.

Negative motivation works for me because if I wasn’t pressuring myself to stick with it I’d never get off the couch. I cringe when I look in the mirror. regularly feel stressed, drained, and annoyed.

3) I always start off gung-ho and am fired up to tackle a lot all at once.

And then my mind goes into over-drive. What if I fail? After all, I’ve tried eating better and exercising lots of times and I’ve never succeeded before so what makes me think I’ll succeed this time?

At this point, I start finding excuses and vow to try again later when life is more in balance. I avoid the mirror. I regularly feel stressed, angry, and disappointed.

If you’re a 2 or 3, a hybrid, or are even making progress with being a 1, I created a habit change challenge that WILL move you to your next level.

It starts 1/18. It’s free AND valuable. Sign up here. Tag a friend and experience growth together!

I say that it's perfect for perfectionists because 2 & 3 are sneaky perfectionist disguises that keep you stalled out.


Hardcore motivation, on the day you need it most? Drop your name and email here if not and let’s start rocking Mondays together!

When you sign up, you get the go-to tool I use every time my current situation feels heavy, stressful, or icky. It works like a champ to quickly turn it around so you’re present and empowered to take targeted action. Get it here.