Kelly Summersett: Life Coach for Professional Women

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Stop Body Shaming in One Step

How do you stop body shaming?


Literally decide to.


We get so caught up in shaming thought loops that it absolutely feels like the only relationship we can have with our bodies.


Have you stopped to evaluate or even consider you can have another, more healthy one? 


You hold all the power to decide how you’re going to treat yourself.  


Just because you’ve been running shaming thought marathons for years doesn’t mean you’re powerless to stop it. 


It just might feel that way since you feel and experience your thinking.






Decide on purpose what thoughts you’re going to give a lot of time, energy, care and attention to. 


Decide that you’re not going to listen to those shaming thoughts from this point forward.


Decide to be proactive and have more useful, hopeful, and energy-producing thoughts and put those on repeat.




When you decide to take your power back over your worn-out body-shaming thought patterns your energy raises.


You feel hopeful.


You take more useful actions that move you into having a healthier relationship with it and you do kinder things for it. If you do want to lose weight or tone up it happens easier and more successfully.


I’ve got a method for taking your power back over your mind and having a loving relationship with your body. It works. It’s called MindBodySWEAT. It starts this month. Here's the scoop. 


I've extended the early-in bonuses and I think you'll be pleased to see their added value on top of getting to be with other kick-ass women ready to up-level their lives too. 


And the free Take Back Your Power! training is still postponed because I'm still in limbo with Candace's dad and his end-of-life planning so I am asking you to please have patience and I will post the rescheduled day and time as soon as I possibly can.