Kelly Summersett: Life Coach for Professional Women

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Get through COVID with THIS acronym

COVID. You know, the herd of elephants, wild boar, and hyenas in the room?


How many times do you read, say, and think this word in a day? 


What do you associate with this word? Are your associations negative?


What feelings come up for you when you think it? Do you feel sadness, frustration, fear, hopelessness, anger, or grief? 


Where’s your energy go? Down?


Our minds are wired to keep us safe and to play out all of our fearful and ‘what-if’ thoughts. 


These thoughts also tend to be self critical and stall us out and since we feel our thinking, our results can be pretty lack luster.

What if you choose to create a positive association and feeling with the most negative auto-pilot word we've been seeing these past months? 


A new association and acronym for COVID?


Not to make light of the seriousness of what’s happening. But for your health and sanity. Because you want to move through your days feeling more empowered and take more intentional actions vs. stalling out.


C — Create

O — Optimism

V — VS

I  — Inner Critic

D — Darkness


Shorten it to: CREATE OPTIMISM


So that when you hear the word you begin to intentionally think more hopeful and optimistic thoughts about you, your life, and your goals.


These better thoughts increase your energy and help you to take better actions. 


Wanna give it a go this week? Try it on. Be intentional. What optimistic thoughts will help you, and consequently everyone around you, to move through this time a little bit better?


Hardcore motivation, on the day you need it most? Drop your name and email here if not and let’s start rocking Mondays together!

Get the tool I use every time my current situation feels heavy, stressful, or icky. It works like a champ to quickly turn it around and I am confident it will do that for you too. Get it here.