Kelly Summersett: Life Coach for Professional Women

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Ever use the word 'stress'? This is a good one to open.

Being now is sometimes uncomfortable and during this hella time we’re in, it might feel even more amplified. 


Your circumstances aren’t what you’d like them to be and you sure wish they were different! 


This is when your Inner Critic gets loud and tells you believable stories about how you’re stuck, trapped, can’t figure it out, in it forever, and even how powerless you are to do anything about it.


These debilitating thoughts create more ‘stress’ which you in turn experience in your body. 


Ever think a stressful thought all day long and then feel your heart racing? Your chest gets so tight that it’s hard to breath? You get a massive headache? You feel completely drained?


And when this happens, what do you tend to do? If you’re listening to your Inner Critic she advises you to avoid this discomfort! Stay safe! Distract yourself so you don’t have to feel it!


So you take aspirin, drink wine, eat comfort food, shop, over-exercise or, depending on your personality, severely under-exercise to the tune of laying on the couch. 


Know why? Because your Inner Critic’s job is to keep you safe from feeling discomfort…EVEN THOUGH IT’S TOTALLY UNCOMFORTABLE using her 'safety' tactics.  


She’s always got it backward yet her story is so believable! 

Sister, there’s a much better and more empowering way to move through your less-than-ideal circumstances!

The first and most important is to stop resisting them because what you resist will ALWAYS persist. 


So three things: 


#1: Register for my free trainingTake Back Your Power. We’re going deeper into positive solutions and I’m confident you’ll take away new ‘ah-has’ to apply in your life. It’s next Tuesday and…

#2:When you register you’ll get a free worksheet to start using now. It’s based on Eckhart Tolle’s brilliant solution for stress and wanting to be ‘there’ instead of where you are. It’s what I use and it’s amazing. 

#3:Put 12pm EST on your calendar for tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday and tune into the short Facebook Lives I’m doing on what it looks like to take your power back over your mind, body, and life.

Life's way too damn short to be stressing through your nows and I hope you take me up on my three free offers. 


And do you have people-pleasing tendencies? Where you put the wants and opinions of other people above your own? And you do it in the name of being a kind and helpful person? If you didn’t read last week’s MM, you need to and here it is. 


I also felt compelled to share my thoughts on video because no matter how many levels of people-pleasing I have conquered…there’s still more. Damn! 


I talk about how I’ve been diluting my coaching products and what I’ve decided to do to be full-on and truly authentic to myself and to the clients who are ready for this next level of kick-ass Kelly coaching which is…


The new curriculum for MindBodySWEAT! This is my one-of-a-kind small group coaching class for women that up-levels your whole life in eight weeks!


If you’re ready to take your power back over your mind, body, and life you need to get on the insider list now because the class starts early August and if you’re all about getting to your next level of awesome, this class will take you there!