Kelly Summersett: Life Coach for Professional Women

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Exact habit change steps for success without the pressure and stress

Last Monday I posted two 12 Days Before Christmas challenges that follow my Power of Smalls philosophy — it’s the small things you do on a consistent basis that add up to big and lasting positive results. 


The first was posted here —12 small things that up-level your true self-love :) 


The second was a workout challenge I posted on my Facebook page for everyone needing to get back to some consistency — 12 small exercises you do cumulatively for twelve days that add up to big results.


Who's still doing them and they're becoming easy and you're proud of yourself? High five! Celebrate!


Who thought these were a great idea and started off gung-ho and then fizzled out with reasons like: 


“I don’t really have time” 

“Well, I already missed a day so there goes that”

“I don’t really need these things, I’m already pretty good as I am”


Or are you still doing them yet using negative and anxious motivation to do it perfect while secretly looking forward to day twelve so you can check this accomplishment off your list?


No judgement here. I understand it’s just the way our minds work when they’re working us instead of us managing them.


Do you want to approach habit change different so your results are lasting and without the pressure and stress? 


These exact steps are what I use and teach my clients to use and they will work for you too no matter if you want to revisit either of the two 12 Days of Christmas challenges or accomplish something entirely different. 


Step 1

Figure out why you want to up-level a habit. If you don’t have a compelling reason why you simply won’t succeed. ‘Wanting to’ gets you about 45-minutes worth of stressful success.


Step 2

Wrap your head around it. After why comes how. How do you need to show up and be for yourself? What needs to shift so you fit in what you’re committed to achieving for yourself? 


Step 3

Stay small and consistent. The Power of Smalls works like a champ to help you start trusting yourself to follow-through and stick with the habit that’s important to you. This is the opposite of perfection, and for good reason, because perfection actually keeps you from succeeding.


Step 4

Change your language and choose thoughts that support you. Thoughts like: 

I get to

I choose to

I commit to

I’ve decided to

I am doing this for me


When you change your language your results are easier because you feel lighter (what you focus on grows) and more compelled to act. 


Step 5

Lose your Inner Critic. Your Inner Critic is an anxious ball of comparison, perfection, control, and shitty self-talk. Be hyper aware of her abundant success sabotaging tactics and course-correct in the moment.


Step 6

Stay now. When you stay present you stay in action mode! Targeted positive actions (not over-thinking) are literally required to change a habit. 


These steps work when you work them. 


If you want accountability and support to action through them so they work easier, faster, and you have a more enjoyable time in the process, let me work with you. 


MindBodySWEAT teaches you these tools and so much more. You literally up-level all areas of your life because you learn how to manage your mind, lose your inner critic, develop a better relationship with you and your body. You learn how to be bold and decisive to accomplish whatever is important to you without stressing, guilting yourself, beating yourself up, what-if-ing, perfecting, and worrying. 


You have until tomorrow night (12/22/20) to grab one of the remaining three spots. Funds tight? Gotcha covered with a hardship scholarship. 


All the bonuses and early-in pricing ends tomorrow night at 10pm.


If you’ve been trying these steps yet not having success, this class will glide you over the hump because of the support and accountability you receive from me and the other kick-ass women ready to own it too! 


You + support + accountability + community = kick-ass success!


Questions? Reach out 


Hardcore motivation, on the day you need it most? Drop your name and email here if not and let’s start rocking Mondays together!

When you sign up, you get the go-to tool I use every time my current situation feels heavy, stressful, or icky. It works like a champ to quickly turn it around so you’re present and empowered to take targeted action. Get it here.