Kelly Summersett: Life Coach for Professional Women

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2 facts/2 questions/4 kick-ass steps when you have strict thoughts about your life

What do you have strict thoughts about that hold you back? Here’s some that were keeping my clients stuck when we first started working together: 


I'll never be able to find my dream career


I’m terrible with relationships, they don’t ever work out


I’ll never get out of debt


I don’t have the willpower or motivation to stick with my healthy habits


We can come up with some doozies can’t we? 


Two quick facts:


~ You feel your thinking and create evidence for your thoughts. Negative and lack thoughts are in fact going to create more negative and lack in your life.

~ You don’t have to think like that! It just feels like you do since that's what you've thought for so long.

Here's a couple questions for ya —

~ What patterned thought swirls around in your head that’s keeping you stuck?


~ Do you want to change it? If so…

Here’s four kick-ass steps that absolutely work:


  1. Recognize the loop you’re in. This is always step #1 because you can’t course correct until you know what’s up in the first place

  2. Come back to now. When you’re thinking doom and gloom thoughts you’re in your head hanging out with your Inner Critic. Come back to now by distracting your thoughts and a simple and easy way to do this is to literally do something physical

  3. Question then change your thought. How does it feel to think this? How would you rather move through the situation? How would you rather think about this?

  4. Take action! Doom and gloom thoughts never encourage action but hopeful thoughts do. Take a small acton on your better thought.


These four steps are the bare-bones cliff notes from my free workbook, Get Unstuck! From everything that’s sucking the life out of you. 


Grab it here if you want to start coaching your way out of strict ways of thinking about your life because you, my lovely, have the power to loosen up that thinking and create a life that fires you up!


By the way, all of the strict thoughts my clients had when they came to me? They no longer take up their time and energy. They’ve moved past them and have found their dream careers and relationships, gotten out of debt, and allow their healthy habits to be easy to sustain. 


Need accountability for what you’re stuck on so you take bolder actions and stay out of that strict thinking loop? The next Next Level You small group coaching class starts up mid November for a handful of women in growth mode. Get on the first-to-know list now. 


Hardcore motivation, on the day you need it most? Drop your name and email here if not and let’s start rocking Mondays together!


Get the tool I use every time my current situation feels heavy, stressful, or icky. It works like a champ to quickly turn it around and I am confident it will do that for you too. Get it here.